Monday, August 30, 2004


This was just SO GREENFIELD

It's not the case with all establishments, but there seems to be a code of mediocrity around here. You get a picture framed, and it's not the size you asked for because they didn't have that one in stock. You go to a chain restaurant and there's an unidentifiable black rubbery mass in your child's french fries (the cheese from a cheesburger cooked an hour ago?)

In this case I brought my old clunker car for some needed repairs. One of these repairs is to have the battery recharged. I brought it to a national chain repair shop partly because it's a block away and the car is leaking brake fluid so I don't want to have to do a lot of stopping, but also because their ad on the radio says they do everything.

After paying $426 that I don't have, I get in the car, turn the key, and it doesn't start. So they send a guy out with one of those jumpstarter things and it still doesn't start. So he tightens the loose connections (causing the manager to yell at the guy who was supposed to tighten them in the first place) and it still doesn't start. Turns out their jumpstarter thing is dead, so they run out an extension cord, juice it up for a while and it finally starts.

As I'm driving around for 45 minutes to recharge the battery that they had charged me $37 for the super-special clean-and-recharge package, I notice a jangling sound. I pull over and it's the thing where the hubcap is supposed to go that they left in my trunk (patching a flat was one of the repairs). I go to wash the windshield and there's no washer fluid, which was supposed to be part of the oil change. (The computer printout told me that they checked and filled washer fluid.)

Ugh! The good things about this town are growing on me, but I'll never get used to half-assed service.

Saturday, August 28, 2004


An odd salad

I'm not going to post my dinner experience daily, but how could I keep quiet about the "oriental chicken salad" at Friendly's? In addition to teriyaki-dipped chicken, you get a mountain of iceberg lettuce sprinkled with red, white and blue nachos and a little dish of honey-mustard salad dressing, thankfully served on the side. (They call it sweet & sour, but trust me--it's honey mustard.)

Mmmm. We may not have a lot of places to eat in Greenfield, but we've got two--count 'em, two--Friendly's so you can't go wrong.

(cross-posted on Omni-matic.)

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